Sponsor the Project

Contribute a Bug Fix or EnhancementSponsor the ImageMagick Project

We want to thank the following sponsors of the ImageMagick project, including:

GitHub The world's leading software development platform.

[AMD] Enabling today. Inspiring tomorrow.

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Contribute a Bug Fix or Enhancement

Open an issue on the GitHub repository if you think you have found a bug or security vulnerability. Open a pull request to the repository if you have a fix. Post to the discussions forum if you want to propose an enhancement for discussion.

Sponsor the ImageMagick Project

ImageMagick has been available for free since the early 1990's. It has consistently been one of the most comprehensive free image processing packages available, but, unlike competing packages, it continues to be supported and enhanced. Today, ImageMagick is more comprehensive and better supported than ever.

ImageMagick has enjoyed considerable support from commercial users. Since ImageMagick is not restricted from use in commercial or proprietary applications, it is used to support thousands of commercial web sites and is used in professional digital image and movie studios as well as publishing shops. It is also used as a component of a number of commercial applications. Many of these commercial users have made contributions to ImageMagick, large and small, often anonymous, but always appreciated.

ImageMagick Studio LLC is looking for support from individuals or companies that use ImageMagick, or would like to help support free software. If you or your company depends on ImageMagick, supporting ImageMagick is a way to express your gratitude and to contribute back to the further development of ImageMagick.

ImageMagick support can take many forms. The following are some possibilities:

  • Contribute source code or patches to help improve ImageMagick.
  • Send us a licensed copy of Adobe Photoshop.
  • Lend us developers to add support for additional image formats or to finish integrating support for the SVG specification.
  • Extend our FFT algorithm to support non-square images.
  • Port our Linux build environment from Autoconf / Automake to CMake.
  • Provide technical writers to assist with the development of commercial-grade technical documentation.
  • Donate a quality SWOP or Eurostandard ICC profile to use as a default CMYK to RGB conversion profile.
  • Donate a workstation with a modern processor and plenty of memory and disk. We would use it for our primary development environment.
  • Donate a Windows laptop so we can build and test ImageMagick under Windows 11.
  • Make a monetary contribution:

Donations can be anonymous, or public.

Sponsor the ImageMagick Project


ImageMagick Studio LLC is the organization that designs, maintains, and enhances the ImageMagick software suite. In the past, we paid for the privilege of producing free software out of our own pockets. Now, to help defray costs associated with network bandwidth, development software, computer hardware, taxes, legal, and other expenses, we accept donations from individuals or companies like yourself.


For direct monetary contributions, click on the donate button to contribute thru Paypal or with a credit card:

    Sponsor ImageMagick


Our Bitcoin Address is: bc1qd7lckxu36ceupgt4wpnvnug3dr8jcnpqxsla2k. Or you can reference the below QR code:

    Click to Donate to ImageMagick via Bitcoin

If you have any questions about supporting ImageMagick, please contact us.