Error evaluating generator expression:


  \$<TARGET_POLICY:prop> may only be used with a limited number of policies.
  Currently it may be used with the following policies:

   \* CMP0003
   \* CMP0004
   \* CMP0008
   \* CMP0020
   \* CMP0021
   \* CMP0022
   \* CMP0027
   \* CMP0037
   \* CMP0038
   \* CMP0041
   \* CMP0042
   \* CMP0046
   \* CMP0052
   \* CMP0060
   \* CMP0063
   \* CMP0065
   \* CMP0068
   \* CMP0069
   \* CMP0073
   \* CMP0076
   \* CMP0081
   \* CMP0083
   \* CMP0095
   \* CMP0099
   \* CMP0104
   \* CMP0105
   \* CMP0108
   \* CMP0112
   \* CMP0113
   \* CMP0119
   \* CMP0131
   \* CMP0142

Call Stack \(most recent call first\):
  CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\)